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Sewing Equipment

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Pin Cushion - used for holding your pins and making them portable


Bobbin - The thread in a bobbin is only one of two thread sources needed when using a sewing machine. Together, the two threads create the stitching.

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Seam Ripper - used for removing unwanted stitches.

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Seam Gauge - used for measuring short distances and making repeated markings.


Dressmaker Shears - used for cutting out fabric and thread.

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Pinking Shears - used for giving trimming fabric with a zig-zag finish to prevent fraying.


Measuring Tape - used for taking body measurements and flexible measuring.

Pressing Equipment

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Ironing Board - ironing board is to keep clothes flat while the wrinkles are being ironed out. 

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Press Cloth - This is used to put a protective barrier between the iron and the fabric.  It protects the fabric from scorching and shine marks, and it protects the iron from adhesive on interfacings, etc . . .

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Point Presser - This is used to press open seams in some places in small and pointed areas inside out.

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Sleeve Board - This is used to press inside small openings, single layer, on places such as sleeves and pant legs.

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Seam Roll - This is used to press open seams in places that need to be pressed curved, and are too small for the tailor's ham to fit. 

Tailor's Ham - This is used to press fabrics that need to be pressed with a curved shaped, and can not be pressed flat, such as darted areas.

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